This award recognises an AICCM member or institutional member who has contributed to the profession either over the long term or a single project by active involvement in delivering conservation seminars, workshops and other educational/learning opportunities; mentoring of other conservators; promotion of conservators and/or conservation within and beyond the profession by working with allied professions and the public.
Andrew Durham

Andrew Durham – image credit: Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide; photo: Saul Steed
We posthumously honour the remarkable Andrew Durham with the Outstanding Service to the Conservation Profession award for his pioneering leadership and lifelong dedication to the field of conservation across Australia and internationally. As the esteemed former Director of Artlab Australia for 19 years, Andrew welcomed students, interns, and conservators, providing invaluable mentorship while championing professional development. Andrew’s impact extended internationally. His innovative work at the National Museums Liverpool allowed the public to observe conservators for the first time, raising awareness globally. His recent efforts included facilitating the conservation of the historically significant Yirrkala Bark Petition and forging ties with Chinese cultural institutions. Throughout his illustrious 40-year career, Andrew championed knowledge-sharing, outreach and tirelessly promoted conservation ethics across allied professions. Andrew’s passion for nurturing new generations, coupled with his commitment to public engagement and preserving cultural heritage, leaves an enduring legacy. We celebrate Andrew who pushed boundaries, forged interdisciplinary collaborations, and inspired excellence in conservation practice worldwide, leaving an immeasurable impact on the field.
Past recipients
- 2023 – Trish Stokes
- 2022 – Bruce Ford
- 2021 – Jennifer O’Connell
- 2020 – Adam Godjin
- 2019 – Sue Frost
- 2018 – MaryJo Lelyveld
- 2017 – Sophie Lewincamp
- 2016 – Cobus van Breda
- 2015 – Marcelle Scott
- 2013 – Sophie Lewincamp and Carole Best
- 2011 – Bernard Kertesz
- 2009 – Fred Francisco
As you can see, our records are incomplete. If you can help fill in the blanks we would love to hear from you.