The Tasmanian Division of the AICCM aims to promote an awareness of conservation and is committed to protecting Australia’s heritage. We encourage networking between conservators in public and private practice along with allied professionals.
The Tasmanian Division of the AICCM meets two to three times a year. Our members are spread in both the north and south of Tasmania so we aim to meet in various locations. Usually this involves a formal meeting followed by lunch then a visit to something of interest such as a lab, exhibition or historical site. We also aim to meet for drinks once a month on an informal basis.
Of significance, the Tasmanian Division hosted the AICCM 2015 National Conference in Hobart. The theme for the conference was “Illuminating the new: contemporary practice and issues in materials conservation” which was chosen to reflect UNESCO’s Year of Light. The conference was extremely successful. The committee and conservators were pleased to welcome many emerging professionals and students.
If you would like to become involved with the Tasmanian Division or have any questions, feedback or ideas