About the AICCM Bulletin

The AICCM Bulletin is a hard copy, interdisciplinary and online peer reviewed journal produced by the Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Materials (AICCM) since 1975. Published by Taylor & Francis, we welcome papers that:

  • Disseminate new information gathered about the materiality, nature, condition, deterioration and treatment of cultural collections within Australia and the Asia-Pacific region;
  • Promote interdisciplinary research activity in cultural materials conservation;
  • Present a forum for new ideas and thinking on materials conservation; management, conservation ethics, cultural engagement, sustainability and wider professional concerns in the region;
  • Disseminate new information and novel methods to the conservation profession world-wide.

We encourage contributions from a wide range of authors, including first-time and submissions from non-native english speakers.

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The AICCM Bulletin can be accessed through Taylor & Francis. Or join the AICCM and receive access to all copies of The AICCM Bulletin and many more benefits.

AICCM Members receive a hard copy of the journal two times per year and can access digital volumes.

The first step is to submit your paper for review. Most papers are peer-reviewed within three months, and typically require 1-2 revisions. Once accepted, papers are typically published within four months.

The instructions for authors and reference guide can be accessed from the Taylor & Francis website, or you can download the AICCM Bulletin reference manual here and the AICCM Bulletin instructions for authors.

Information on the peer review process can be found here.

Articles are submitted through the Taylor & Francis platform. Authors should follow the Instructions for Authors Guide provided by Taylor & Francis.

The AICCM Bulletin publishes original and quality papers, including research reports, discussion papers, literature surveys, thematic bibliographies, summaries of research papers and dissertations.

The AICCM Bulletin does not accept papers that have been published elsewhere, with the exception of research presented at AICCM Special Interest Group meetings, conferences or workshops which has not previously been peer-reviewed. Such submissions must acknowledge their prior form, and acceptance (at the editor’s discretion) is determined by their significance and suitability to the conservation profession and peer-reviewed literature.

Copyright for works accepted by the AICCM Bulletin will be assigned to Taylor & Francis.

The AICCM Bulletin publishes two volumes annually. This may include a special volume or an open call for papers.

Papers may be submitted at any time throughout the year. The following deadlines are typically observed:

  • April Volume — Submission by 1 August
  • September Volume — Submission by 10 January
Upcoming Volumes

Conservation is a small profession in Aotearoa meaning conservators in Aotearoa must be multi-taskers and innovators. Māori cultural values have indelibly shaped the conservation profession in Aotearoa New Zealand creating conservation practises and ethics that are internationally unique. This special volume is an opportunity to share research, learnings, and case studies of conservation in Aotearoa New Zealand with an international audience.

The AICCM Bulletin invites submissions on themes including, but not limited to:

  • the development of conservation practise in Aotearoa New Zealand,
  • Tikanga Māori and conservation – challenges, successes and learnings,
  • case studies of conservation of works by artists from Aotearoa New Zealand,
  • the characteristics and treatment of cultural material unique to Aotearoa New Zealand
  • conservation of Māori cultural material in international collections, and
  • Aotearoa New Zealand’s role in the wider region including the Pacific and Antarctica.

For more details contact Tharron Bloomfield, Guest Editor

Recent volumes

Tse, N, Cannon, A, Lelyveld, MJ & O’ Connell, J 2023, ‘Cultural Materials Conservation: Self, Systems and Society, AICCM 50th Year Anniversary’, vol. 44, no. 1-2, pp. 1-5.

Sherring, A 2023, ‘Embracing Humanness in Cultural Materials Conservation: A Roundtable Discussion with Conservation Professionals on Ethics, Values and the Future’, vol. 44, no. 1-2, pp. 6-18, doi.org/10.1080/10344233.2024.2312755.

Shellard, S & Carter, A 2023, ’30 Years of Conserving the Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art’, vol. 44, no. 1-2, pp. 19-34, doi.org/10.1080/10344233.2024.2390220

Earley, C 2023 ‘Managing Loans in a More Sustainable Future’, vol. 44, no. 1-2, pp. 35-47,doi.org/10.1080/10344233.2024.2371700

Hamilton, S & Meiklejohn, A 2023, ‘APAC Reveal: unlocking the potential of the Australian Performing Arts Collection’, vol. 44, no. 1-2, pp. 48-66, doi.org/10.1080/10344233.2024.2315390.

Lewincamp, S, Günel, A & Alhagh, l 2023, ‘Didar: Activating heritage with diaspora communities in Melbourne’, vol. 44, no. 1-2, pp. 67-77, doi.org/10.1080/10344233.2023.2300234

Cotte, S, Fleischer, N, Hocking, J & Vardy, S 2023, ‘I don’t want Bullumwaal to be forgotten’: Community-led Conservation of the 1897 Stage Curtain in Bullumwaal, East Gippsland, Australia’, vol. 44, no. 1-2, pp. 78-91, doi.org/10.1080/10344233.2024.2302206.

MacLeod, I & Carr, R 2023, ‘Conservation and analysis of textiles recovered from exhumed human remains after more than a century of burial’, vol. 44, no. 1-2, pp. 92-106,doi.org/10.1080/10344233.2023.2217391.

Cannon, A 2023, ‘Beyond repair – deaccession and the management of plastics’, vol. 44, no. 1-2, pp. 107-117, doi.org/10.1080/10344233.2023.2300236.

Stuart, B, Barrett, M, Lo Bianco, S, Head, K & Thomas, P 2023, ‘Polymers in contemporary art objects at the Art Gallery of New South Wales: a survey using infrared spectroscopy’, vol. 44, no. 1-2, pp. 118-132, doi.org/10.1080/10344233.2023.2242085.

Goodall, R 2023 ‘Confirmation of the composition in complex mixed pharmaceuticals by micro-Synchrotron infrared spectroscopy during the investigation of a medical sea chest, c1850’, vol. 44, no. 1-2, pp.133-147, doi.org/10.1080/10344233.2024.2338008.

Bornstein, D & Keep, T 2023, ‘New Dimensions in Conservation Imaging: Combining Photogrammetry and Photometric Stereo for 3D Documentation of Heritage Artefacts’, vol. 44, no. 1-2, pp. 148-162, doi.org/10.1080/10344233.2023.2288467

Tse, N 2023, ‘Editorial’, AICCM Bulletin, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 65–66. doi.org/10.1080/10344233.2023.2264087

Brennan, J 2023, ‘Preservation of Clothing and Memory in Cambodia: A Collaborative Model, AICCM Bulletin, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 67-75. doi.org/10.1080/10344233.2021.1982539

Watsantachad, N 2023, ‘Qualitative and quantitative deterioration assessment of Thai mural paintings and wall plasters from the Thailand 2011 Great Flood’, AICCM Bulletin, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 76-92. doi.org/10.1080/10344233.2023.2242687

Yen, S, Chen, S & Tsai F 2023, ‘The Preservation of Tracing Paper: A case study of TRA Archives’, AICCM Bulletin, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 93-100. doi.org/10.1080/10344233.2023.2178106

Soraluze, I & Li, I-C 2023, ‘Looking through X-Rays: The study of underlying painting in the oeuvre of Chen Cheng-po’, AICCM Bulletin, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 101-109doi.org/10.1080/10344233.2023.2211421

Lee, W-Y & Lin, C-H 2023, ‘Studies on the Stability of Binding Media in Retouching Materials for Exterior Painted Wooden Decoration in Taiwan’, AICCM Bulletin, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 110-118. doi.org/10.1080/10344233.2023.2216506

Maronilla-Reyes, M.B 2023, ‘Severe Termite Infestation: Conservation of the EDSA Shrine Oil Mural Painting on Canvas’, AICCM Bulletin, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 119-129. doi.org/10.1080/10344233.2023.2242086

The AICCM Bulletin Editorial Committee

Associate Professor Nicole Tse (Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation, The University of Melbourne, Australia)


Editorial Committee
Ian Batterham (University of Canberra, Australia)

Tharron Bloomfield (Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga, New Zealand)

Dr Sabine Cotte (Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation, The University of Melbourne, Australia)

Dr Caroline Kyi (Kyi Conservation, Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation, The University of Melbourne, Australia)

Erina McCann (Tiaki Objects Conservation, Australia)

Amanda Pagliarino (Queensland Art Gallery-Gallery of Modern Art, Australia)

Dr Marcelle Scott (Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation, The University of Melbourne, Australia)

Asti Sherring (National Museum of Australia, Australia)

Hakim Abdul Rahim, University of Canberra, Australia

Sherryn Vardy (Gippsland Heritage Conservation, Australia)

Isabelle Waters (International Conservation Services, Australia)

Editorial Assistant Committee
Daniel Bornstein (National Museum of Australia)

Emma Dacey (Archives and Special Collections, University of Melbourne)

Emily Hornum (Victorian Racing Club)

Ellie Thomas (National Communications Museum)

Liam Homes (RSM Conservation)

Vanessa Bray (National Museum of Australia)

Like more Information? contact the editor