This award recognises conservation projects that aren’t strictly treatments that nonetheless demonstrate a level of complexity, skill, innovation, collaboration and benefit to cultural heritage.

2022 Australian Flood Recovery Project: Grimwade Conservation Services

Libby Melzer, Katy Glen, Noni Zachri, Penny Tripp, Peter Mitchelson, Cushla Hill, Vanessa Kowalski, Ellie Urrutia Bernard, Christine Mizzi, Beatrice Dahllof, Bridget Fejes, Hannah Lamond-Hallett, Hayley Nolle, Hilary Kwan, Jess Argall, Emma Dacey, Julia Sylvester

The 2022 Australian Flood Recovery Project, led by the University of Melbourne’s Grimwade Conservation Services, was a direct response to a number of calls for assistance during the 2022 Australian flood emergency. A high-profile project was developed to test future recovery responses during extreme emergency events, and featured online and face-to-face activities to support regional, remote, and isolated communities in the recovery of personal items and small collections impacted by floodwater. The project created a variety of new resources and included community engagement opportunities for conservators to provide specialist services and train affected individuals. There was a strong communications plan which ensured the project reached a broad audience and raised the profile of the conservation profession. The team collaborated with stakeholders and allied professionals such as local councils, the media and affected communities. The resources developed will continue to be used by these groups.

  • Conservator working on paper object wearing gloves and mask being filmed
  • Two conservators wearing masks and gloves brush vacuuming framed works on canvas
  • Three people around a table discussing painting on table
  • Conservator wearing mask and gloves leaning over table with works placed on drying paper
  • Two student conservators wearing masks and glvoes swabbing works on canvas

Images courtesy of Grimwade Conservation Services, The University of Melbourne.