This award recognises conservation projects that aren’t strictly treatments that nonetheless demonstrate a level of complexity, skill, innovation, collaboration and benefit to cultural heritage.

South Solitary Island Lighthouse: International Conservation Services

Amy Walsh, Julian Bickersteth, Richard Silink, Stophe Chevalier, Ryan Varney, Kingsley Mundey, Matt Foley, Peter Jones, Michelle Smith, Jo Besley, Tina Lee

This award recognises the exceptional conservation work on the South Solitary Island Lighthouse Optic by International Conservation Services. This monumental project involved the conservation and relocation to public viewing the South Solitary Island Lighthouse Optic, one of the most significant items in the collections of Coffs Harbour’s Yarrila Arts and Museum. The team overcame immense challenges, from disassembling the fragile 10-tonne glass and metal structure in situ, to removing the rusted and seized together pedestal through the roof of the old building using a 100-tonne road crane! Their ingenuity, coupled with invaluable collaboration between conservators, fine arts logistics specialists, highly skilled technical tradespeople and community stakeholders, allowed this priceless heritage object to be safely conserved. Now prominently displayed in a new purpose-built pavilion on the Coffs Harbour foreshore (near its original lighthouse), the optic serves as a centerpiece for the community, allowing public access. For their pioneering efforts, problem-solving skills, and dedication to preserving Australia’s heritage, ICS deserves this Award.

Amy Walsh, Conservator, onsite at the South Solitary Island Lighthouse Optic relocation.