The AICCM Education and Training Committee (ETC) replaces the Education Standing Committee (2003 – 2015). The AICCM Education Standing Committee was established in 2003 following the AICCM Education Training Summit in Canberra. The aim of the standing committee was to “address all issues regarding conservation education as it relates to the business of the AICCM” and to respond to the closure of the University of Canberra Materials Conservation course in 2003. Members of the Standing Committee were selected by National Council, with the Vice President as Chair, to be the formal liaison between education providers and the AICCM (distinct in its role from the then existing Education SIG). Strategic education issues or queries were directed to the Committee through the Chair. Information provided to the Committee remained confidential within the Committee. The Standing Committee has worked with both the University of Melbourne, and the University of Canberra on the formation of their new materials conservation courses.
The ETC has been formed to reflect the new education landscape following the introduction of the new tertiary courses. It was established by AICCM National Council to address training and education needs for conservators within Australia as well as the conservation education of non-conservators. The terms of reference of the ETC also reflect the increased role of the committee in supporting professional membership development needs.
The aim of the ETC is to identify and advocate for appropriate educational standards, professional development, training priorities and training opportunities that complement current education pathways for emerging, early and mid-career conservators, to advance the conservation profession.
Download the Education and Training Committee’s Terms of Reference here [PDF – 93KB]