AICCM is the professional organisation for conservators in Australia.
Conservators work to preserve our cultural heritage. We work in museums, art galleries, libraries, archives and in private practice.
Our members specialise in the conservation of paintings and artworks, books and photographs, Antarctic heritage, furniture, photographs, gilded objects, digital media, costume and glass.
Some conservators specialise in collection management, preventive conservation and environmental analysis.
AICCM’s membership is made up of professional conservators, conservation students and cultural heritage member organisations. Our membership also includes people who work in related professions, such as archivists, architects, curators and librarians, as well as volunteers and those with a general interest in cultural heritage. Take a look at Our specialisations.
Our aims
AICCM and its membership are dedicated to the conservation of Australia’s cultural heritage, to ensure it survives for future generations of Australians.
- We promote the science and art of the conservation of cultural material,
- We promote co-operation and exchange amongst those concerned with the conservation of cultural material,
- We improve the scientific and technical knowledge of the profession,
- We advocate and inform on matters relating to the conservation of cultural material
- We also provide information and advice on the best way to care for cultural heritage
AICCM members support and work by the AICCM Code of Ethics and Code of Practice. These documents govern our approach to preservation, restoration and conservation treatment.
AICCM’s ABN is 60 209 816 117