The Victorian Branch of the AICCM represents the conservation profession in Victoria. We aim to promote the advancement of the science and art of the conservation of cultural material by facilitating communication between conservators, allied professionals, and the public.
We hold regular events for Victorian members throughout the year. Professional development events include lab tours and informal ‘off-the-record’ presentations, where members present and discuss recent projects or new techniques, and share conservation knowledge over a glass of wine. We also collaborate with allied professional organisations, and hold events and produce promotional material aimed at increasing conservation awareness within the broader cultural heritage and arts sectors, and amongst the public. Having a large student membership, the AICCM Victorian Branch regularly undertakes activities in partnership with the Student Conservators at Melbourne (SC@M) committee. Social functions such as the annual winter movie night and end-of-year parties are calendar highlights.
The Victorian Branch proudly hosted the 2019 AICCM National Conference, entitled ‘Making Conservation’, where we welcomed over 200 delegates to Melbourne for three days of keynote presentations, posters, lectures, lightning talks and panel discussions on the themes of connection, sustainability and innovation. Social functions, meetings, trade tables and a mentoring event rounded out the comprehensive schedule. The enthusiastic conference committee and highly engaged AICCM membership ensured the conference was a standout success.
The AICCM Victorian Branch Inc. is a not-for-profit association incorporated with Consumer Affairs Victoria, and the committee carries out the management of the association in accordance with the relevant Victorian Act and association Rules. The committee consists of a President, Treasurer, Secretary, and six ordinary committee members, all volunteer positions which are elected by members annually at the Annual General Meeting. We also welcome the SC@M President to committee meetings as a representative of student members. The committee communicates frequently and meets bi-monthly, and is dedicated to furthering the aims of the association and to organising relevant activities.
Email the Vic Division President here