AICCM news

Welcome: first eNews and new web editor

Welcome to the first National Newsletter eNews! It has been a long time in gestation, and as the last weeks have progressed somewhat slowly, an eternity in the birthing too. Being well past its due date, the eNews has swollen in size to that of a well-nourished neonate, and I apologise for delivering it so

Welcome: first eNews and new web editor2019-10-30T16:23:24+11:00

President’s Report: November 2015

The AICCM plays a critical role in supporting the conservation profession in Australia and by extension ensures the preservation of Australia’s cultural material. As documented in the 2015 Annual General Meeting reports, this has been achieved over the past year through: Events: three AICCM workshops with a total of 94 attendees; a joint conference with

President’s Report: November 20152019-10-30T16:23:24+11:00

Dancing the night away at the 2015 AICCM Awards ceremony

Recognising the exceptional professionalism, hard work and innovative practices of Australian conservators is one of AICCM’s most pleasurable duties. This year’s awards, bestowed in a special ceremony at the AICCM conference in Hobart, are testament to the wealth of talent and expertise evident in all levels of the profession. AICCM president MaryJo Lelyveld warmly thanked

Dancing the night away at the 2015 AICCM Awards ceremony2019-10-30T16:23:24+11:00

AICCM at Art and Frame 2015

Frank Filippone, editor of Profile Magazine and organiser of Art Frame, the picture framing industry trade fair, again very generously offered a stand to AICCM. We had our first appearance at Art and Frame in Melbourne in 2013 and this year the fair was held from 14 to 16 August at Royal Randwick, Sydney. Sophie

AICCM at Art and Frame 20152019-10-30T16:24:05+11:00

The Conservation Spectrum

At its recent AGM in November 2015, AICCM released updated documents: Statement on Conservators in an Australian Context, and Statement on Conservation Technicians/Assistants in an Australian ContextThese documents update previous AICCM definitions, and aim to clarify the role of conservators, technicians and assistants in an Australian context. They describe a range of skills, knowledge and

The Conservation Spectrum2020-08-17T10:09:47+10:00

Future proofing the conservation profession in Australia

This is a summary of paper 'Relinquishing ambulance chasing and engaging with the real threats to the preservation of Australia’s cultural record' presented to the 2015 AICCM National Conference. Arguments that advocate for cultural materials conservation generally take one of two forms - that conservators have the skills to ensure the past is available into

Future proofing the conservation profession in Australia2019-10-30T16:24:09+11:00

Conservation in museums—where to from here?

This paper is a précis Julian Bickersteth presented at the 2015 AICCM Conference. 2014 saw Australia host the ICOM CC conference for the second time, the first being in Sydney in 1987. The museum world has changed substantially in the intervening 27 years. Has the museum conservator kept pace with those changes and where do

Conservation in museums—where to from here?2019-10-30T16:24:09+11:00

A student’s view: 2015 AICCM National Conference

It is my pleasure to briefly reflect on my student experience in attending this year’s AICCM National Conference Illuminating the New: Contemporary Issues in Materials Conservation, in Hobart. This was my first experience participating in a professional development conference and I was very excited to be part of such a dynamic, approachable and collegial student and industry professional

A student’s view: 2015 AICCM National Conference2019-10-30T16:24:09+11:00
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