Newsletter Issue Number:
AICCM National Newsletter No. 95, June 2005

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  • Archer, Eric. President’s Report
  • Leggio, Angeletta. Reviews. AIC/PMG Winter Meeting, 10-12 February 2005, Vancouver; Institute of Conservation Science _ The Science of Galleries, February 2005, London
  • Nunn, Catherine. Working in the UK _ an Australian’s personal experience
  • O’Connor, Julie. Review: The Fourth Annual Symposium of the New Zealand Costume and Textiles Section of the Auckland Museum Institute, 5-6 March 2005, Otago Museum, Dunedin
  • People & Projects
  • Smith, Nicki, Judith Andrewartha, Patrya Kay and Ellie McFadyen. Vietnam Shroud Part II: The Shroud of Hung Yen