Contributions to the 6th AICCM Book, Paper & Photographic Materials Symposium. 17-19th November 2010, Melbourne. p40-42


The use of sticky labels for call numbers and bar codes on library material are a cause of concern to conservation staff for a number of reasons. The adhesive used on the label is often poor quality, leading to labels falling off and leaving the item unidentified. As it ages, the adhesive may bleed through into the paper causing permanent staining. The removal of labels from collection material is problematic and often results in damage to the item. The National Library of Australia has developed guidelines about where labels should be placed on collection material in order to protect both the value of the collection item and the information content on the pages. This is particularly the case for rare books and pamphlets. Several different methods of sticking labels onto collection material have been devised to minimize the impact of the label.

6th Book, Paper and Photographs Symposium, 2010
Paper author:
Jennifer Lloyd