- Date:
- Thursday, 1 January 1970
- Number:
- 135

The past two months have certainly been busy ones for the profession and the AICCM in particular. With our 2016-2020 Strategic Plan firmly in hand, we’re working through our three key priorities of: creating a sustainable organisation; increasing relevance in an evolving industry landscape; and providing essential member services. Opportunities for professional development It’s been

Anne Carter was the recipient of the 2015 AICCM Q Grant. This is a professional development grant offered annually by the Queensland Division of the AICCM. Anne received bursary towards travel to Taiwan to present at the Asia Pacific Tropical Climates Conservation Art Research Network (APTCCARN)meeting 2015. Following this meeting Anne presented a review of

2th Biennial Infrared and Raman Users group (IRUG) Conference 23-25 May 2016 Ormylia, Greece After attending my first IRUG meeting in Boston, USA in 2014, the invitation to the next biennial meeting in Greece was hard to pass by. Held every two years, typically in the USA followed by a European venue, the choice of

Metal Soaps in Art14–15 March 2016Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Arriving at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam on 14 March 2016, the main entry was dominated by a large banner proclaiming the Metal Soaps in Art conference. It was wonderful to see such a prominent display of institutional support for a conference on what is arguably a fairly abstract

One summer’s morning in a provincial Australian town I found myself standing in the town hall, staring up into a large gilded framed mirror. The mirror, a gift to the town from a grateful colonist with a defiant taste for the Roccoco, was to be cleaned and repaired in time for the centenary celebrations only

This project has been set up to clean, restore, preserve for the long-term, and document the history of Australian Guiding Uniform, and enable the Guides to learn and share the experience of making the project happen. The Girl Guides have been an important part of the Australian cultural landscape since their informal inception in 1911

What first attracted you to conservation as a profession and how did you get started in the field? I can remember being fascinated by a story in a magazine – maybe National Geographic – about the Sutton Hoo treasure. The x-ray images of the corroded metalwork showed so much detail that was hidden to the

Students at the University of Canberra studying the Bachelor of Heritage, Museums and Conservation degree have had the exciting opportunity of working with the National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature and their current Exhibition Program. Through this partnership with the NCACL, the students have been exposed to all levels of exhibition practice, installation and management

Victoria National Gallery of Victoria Social The Frames & Furniture conservation studio farewelled Emma Rouse who contributed greatly to the smooth and cheerful organisation of the lab given existing staffing and workload. In July we welcomed back MaryJo Lelyveld from maternity leave to her position as Coordinating Conservator. We are extremely grateful to Sarah Brown

Keepsakes and Stories: Conserving Mementos from WW1 – an exhibition of WW1 Memorabilia conserved by Artlab Conservators from 24 June to 26 August 2016 The Flanders Field Poppy Trail is a special program of events to commemorate battles in which Australians fought on the Western Front in the Great War (1914-1918) and is an initiative