Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office
Conservation Officer, Gaynor Tollard has been busy with a new non-state deposit of photographs, from early cased images to contemporary “happy snaps”; removing them from frames where appropriate and rehousing and boxing them. The records deposited are an extensive collection describing a well-known farming family who introduced hop-growing to the Derwent Valley.
Margaret Smith, volunteer and graduate diploma student is packaging cellulose acetate negatives for cold storage – a series of 12,000 plus 4”x 5” negatives from the 1950s and 1960s of the Education Department’s Teaching Aids Centre. Margaret is also cleaning and rehousing glass plate negatives from the 1920s recently found under a Sandy Bay house. The house was built by prominent architect Henry Hunter.
Stephanie McDonald has been training Margaret and supervising other volunteers, treating a range of items for access in the History Room (secure reading room) and dealing with loans of material both within the state and interstate.
Gaynor Tollard is now working on the preparation of 36 watercolours of the Wildflowers of Tasmania by artist Margaret Anderson Hope for exhibition in the Allport Library and Museum of Fine Arts in September.
Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery
The ‘Growth Change Influence: The University Art Schools in Tasmania’ exhibition is currently on display at the QV Art Gallery. Amy Bartlett repaired torn photographic works, treated watercolours and framed many works on paper for this exhibition. In addition, she carried out basic conservation treatments on metal objects and paintings. Amy has also condition reported incoming travelling shows Australian Geographic ANZANG Nature Photographer of the Year and Wildlife Photographer of the Year which have been displayed at the QV Museum.
QVMAG is currently very busy with an increasing number of outward loan requests. Amy Bartlett has recently prepared a Robert Dowling painting for the Heide Museum of Modern Art. In addition, she has prepared works on paper by Thomas Bock for loan to the National Portrait Gallery. These were sent to the gallery along with death masks which were prepared by David Thurrowgood.
As AICCM Tasmanian Division President, Amy Bartlett has been involved in the organisation of the 2015 National Conference to be held from 4th to 6th November in Hobart. She is attending and presenting a poster.