Newsletter Issue Number:
AICCM National Newsletter No 142 June 2018

We’re glad you’ve asked. Student Conservators at Melbourne (SC@M) have just launched a new conservation website to connect with the conservation community and to promote our skills internationally. Designed using Squarespace, the website provides information about current student conservation projects, coming events such as workshops and talks, our annual report, and SC@M’s mentorship program.

Analytics show our new website audience are 79% from Australia, 14% from the United States, and 7% from the UK, China, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Belgium, Philippines, New Zealand and Canada. Spending $10 to promote the website launch on social media to an international cultural heritage conservation oriented audience helped us reach 3,730+ people, in 27 countries. Resulting in 100+ click-through’s to the website, and 1,340 reactions – lots of likes for our first foray into paid social media.

SC@M is committed to boosting the professional profile of student and emerging conservators in order to raise national and international awareness of the practical dexterity and ethical decision-making skills we can bring to conservation projects and the industry at large. Grimwade Centre students are a dedicated, collegial group ready to play their part in conserving cultural heritage for future generations.

Head to: to read about Konservaction’s recent Disaster Preparedness workshop in Indonesia, how to improve sustainability in the lab, or get updates on ongoing projects such as the RSL Lifecare Museum project, which gives students conservation-in-the-field experience in Narabeen, Sydney.

We’ve designed our website for all conservators, not just for students. While you’re there sign-up for our enewsletter to get your monthly dose of conservation happenings, things we’ve been impressed by, or to cherry-pick those illusive jobs we’ve found.