Newsletter Issue Number:
AICCM National Newsletter No 152 December 2020

The following is a sponsored post from one of our supporters. 

Elwing & Gurney, located at Lawson in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney, has been in operation for 27 years.

Our business premises has five air-conditioned work areas and dust-free materials storage. The unit was built in 2007, with basic internal spaces of 8.2m x 17.3m = 141 m2 floor + 50 m2 mezzanine

We wish to sell the strata title unit as a functioning workshop, with most equipment, for sale to a mid-career book and document, conservator / restorer.

We will retain our identity, core equipment and clientele, but reduce professional commitments to accomplish various other projects.

We seek expressions of interest around $475,000 for the premises, depending on how much equipment, stock, or reference library is to be included in the sale.

In the absence of any professional interest, we will sell the unit as industrial vacant premises and disperse equipment which is no longer required.

A more detailed description of the workshop with photographs may be obtained by emailing

James Elwing Jill Gurney,
November 2020

Elwing & Gurney Archival, Book and Document Conservation Services,
Lawson NSW 2783
ABN 34 143 821 380

Elwing & Gurney Exterior
Elwing & Gurney Interior

The unit, one of 7, was built in 2007. There are five air-conditioned rooms and nine solar panels. Dimensions are: 8.2m x 17.3m = 141 m2 floor + 50 m2 mezzanine.
Salient features include:

Elwing & Gurney Bindery

Larger of two bindery workrooms

Elwing & Gurney Computer Room

Computer Room

Elwing & Gurney Meeting Room

Meeting room

Elwing & Gurney Photo Room

Photographic copy room

Elwing & Gurney Wet Room

Wet treatment room

Elwing & Gurney Storage

Dry filtered storage material