Tegan Anthes

Thanks to all those that completed the preventive SIG survey. The survey has highlighted many areas of interest within the preventive conservation topic. In fact it seems like the group is interested in everything! Indicating that there is a general need within our community to further our knowledge on all preventive conservation topics. I hope that with technology and traditional events we can build our collective knowledge on this broad topic.

For your interest I have summarized some of the results from the survey.

A total of 35 members responded. 60% of responders are interested in attending a one day symposium attached to the National Conference. The leading topics for the symposium include environmental management, disaster planning and recovery, risk assessment and pest management.  Overall most responders value regular communication, formal and informal events to enable networking and sharing of experiences. A few suggestions include further developments in establishing formal guidelines and establishing online resources.

So with all that in mind I hope to work with those that are willing to organize one to two events within the next two years and establish the wiki to build stronger communication within the group. So if you haven’t got in contact with me regarding your involvement with the preventive SIG and you have ideas or time to spare please let me know.

Contact the SIG convenor