When will the fee increase take effect?

The increase will take effect as of today, 11 April, 2016

Why are we having a fee increase?

Over the past few years, AICCM National Council has been working hard to enhance services and support for members, including modernising the member experience with better technology, an improved AICCM website and more consistent professional development opportunities through our Special Interest Groups. However, there is still more to be done. Membership numbers are higher than they have ever been, and to sustain the high quality you expect and deserve, we must further modernise, expand and improve your experience. To accomplish this, the National Council made the decision to increase the dues

Is the AICCM Membership good value?

As a member of the AICCM, you become part of Australia’s largest network of conservation professionals committed to cultural heritage preservation. In addition to keeping you connected with other conservators and informed on industry developments, your annual fees pay for the organisation to carry out its publication, professional development, advocacy and outreach programs. These include:

  • Access to the most comprehensive conservation job listing in Australia
  • Participation in Special Interest Group(s) and State Division activities
  • Discounted registration fees at the AICCM National Conference and Special Interest Group workshops and symposia.
  • Eligibility to receive recognition and financial support through our Awards and Grants programs
  • Opportunity to acquire Professional Member status with associated benefits
  • AICCM Bulletin which is published twice yearly including all past publications available on line.
  • Voting rights for governance matters including the election of the National Council members and Special Interest Group Coordinators.
  • Eligibility to stand for office within the AICCM structure as a National Council members, State Council member, Committee member or Special Interest Group Coordinator.

What are the benefits to members?

The benefits of the fee increase will be wide-ranging. The most significant will be the increase in website functionality and content development. The redevelopment of the website to delineate between our public and professional spheres allows us to widely promote public access to our site, whilst creating a forum to discuss technical, ethical and other professional issues. This presents us with a number of opportunities grow AICCM’s profile through the support of a paid Web Officer position. This includes:

  • creating a tile to feature our Professional Members
  • developing the Wiki resource for practicing conservators
  • updating content and functionality of our most popular public pages

The Website Officer position has also allowed us to develop our social media profile. For example, our Facebook page continues to grow monthly and is critical in not disseminating timely information about the work in which we are involved but acting as a key networking tool, allowing our members to interact with other members, allied professionals and interested public on a daily basis.

These and other initiatives will better position us to meet the needs and wants of current and future members.

What has AICCM done to reduce its costs so that a fee increase wouldn’t be necessary?

National Council is always looking for ways to reduce expenses. For example, in the past three years, the organization has:

  • Reduced postage and print costs for the Newsletter by producing it as an on-line publication. Similarly, the move of The Bulletin to publishing house Taylor and Francis has reduced publication costs whilst increasing the number of issues delivered to AICCM members annually.
  • Improved its forward planning efforts to reduce costs associated with the operational meetings as well as SIG and National events.
  • Paused state capitation fees where these have been left to accrue

These measures are supported by leveraging technology to automate functions and moderate staffing increases as the organisation grows its services.

Can the organisation obtain the needed funds from other sources?

In previous years, the AICCM was successful in securing government support through the Grants to Voluntary Environment, Sustainability and Heritage Organisations (GVESHO) program, to achieve its mission. The GVESHO grant comprised up to 20% of AICCM income however, in 2013-2014 the Department of Environment ceased this program and no other government grants, intended support operational expenses of relevant not-for-profit organisations, have been made available since. Other government grants that are largely project focused in nature, may provide support for the AICCM to carry out some of its activities such as community workshops and training events however these are both intermittent in nature and will require additional operational resources to secure and manage.

Since 2014, the National Council have diversified its revenue sources. Through the redevelopment and active management of its website, the AICCM has been able to secure advertising income. In 2016, we aim to grow long-term philanthropic support of the AICCM through a Giving program which will allow those members with the means and desire to support the AICCM beyond membership fees. Our SIG and National Conference events remain not only a valuable benefits to our members but a key income stream for the AICCM. Revenue from these activities helps lengthen the interval between fee increases.

Didn’t we just increase fees?

In 2014, National Council elected to raise Membership fees every 3 years in accordance with Consumer Price Index (CPI) Inflation raising the Australian Individual Member fee to its current rate of $160. This rate rise was an attempt to curb losses associated with increased inflation costs and did not take into account recurrent costs associated with the management of a secure, active and resourced website. This current fee increase better reflects the costs associated with a financially sustainable organisation delivering an active professional development program and communication platforms.

What are the new fee rates?


Membership Type

Fee rate

Australian Individual Member

$224.00 (incl. of $20.36 GST)

Australian Student/Concession

$84.00 (incl. of $7.64 GST)

Australian Organisation

$714.00 (incl. of $64.91)

Australian Life Member

$4480.00 (incl. of $407.27 GST)

Overseas Individual Member


Overseas Student/Concession


Overseas Organisation


Overseas Life Member  
