Marica Mucic and Holly Jones-Amin undertaking treatment on Loong (a 40-metre-long imperial processional dragon) as part of the Loong Conservation Project at the Golden Dragon Museum in Bendigo. Image courtesy of Grimwade Conservation Services.
Each year the AICCM recognises excellence amongst practising Australian conservators, conservation volunteers and those who actively promote conservators and conservation. We all know someone amazing in conservation – now is your chance to celebrate them and nominate them for an AICCM award!
Here are some tips on how to nominate someone for an AICCM award to recognise their amazing skills and contributions:
- Download the nomination form from the AICCM Awards page
- Complete the form and answer every question. Please refer to the nomination selection criteria (included in the form)
- Gather supporting documentation to include such as letters of support from colleagues and/or media coverage
- Submit to the AICCM Secretariat by the due date via email
This year AICCM will be accepting nominations for six awards:
The AICCM Conservator of the Year
Outstanding Service to the Profession Award
The Colin Pearson Outstanding Research in the Field of Material Conservation Award
Outstanding Conservation Volunteer Award
Outstanding Conservation Treatment of the Year
Nominations close on Friday 18 August 2023. Please direct any questions to the AICCM Membership Services Officer, Lucilla Ronai.

Some of The Loong Conservation Project team undertaking treatment on Loong. Image courtesy of Grimwade Conservation Services.