Jennifer O’Connell, ADFAS Mid-Career Scholar. Image credit: Jessica King.
The AICCM is pleased to announce that applications for the ADFAS (Association of Australian Decorative and Fine Arts Societies) Mid-Career Scholarship are now open. The award is made possible by the support of ADFAS for conservation in Australia through the Patricia Robertson Fund (PRF).
This year, ADFAS is offering the 2023 ADFAS Mid-Career Scholarship of $2000.
This scholarship is for a mid-career conservator with a minimum of ten years’ practise to undertake a professional development opportunity including, but not limited to, attendance at a conservation conference or workshop, use towards the publication of research, or development of an innovative technique or material.
Applications close: 31 August 2023.
Applicants are required to:
- fill out the application form attached and forward to the secretariat
- be a financial member of AICCM.
Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee comprising ADFAS and AICCM representatives. Selection will be based on both the benefit of the award to the recipient’s career, benefit to the AICCM and the conservation profession, and alignment with ADFAS values and objectives relating to the preservation of our cultural and artistic heritage.
The awardee must submit an article (300–500 words) and/or a Powerpoint presentation to ADFAS by 1 March in the same financial year for presentation at the ADFAS AGM at the end of March (an interim report may be accepted if the scholarship is not completed by this stage). The same or similar article must be submitted to the AICCM eNews by 30 June of the same financial year. The article should outline how the scholarship was used and the benefits of receiving the scholarship. If feasible, the awardee should present a lecture at a local society meeting of ADFAS and/or AICCM about how the scholarship was used. All publications or presentations about the subject of the scholarship should acknowledge the support of ADFAS and the Patricia Robertson Fund.
Find out more here

Peter Mitchelson, ADFAS Bowral Mid-Career Scholar. Image Courtesy of Grimwade Conservation Services. Image credit: Paul Burston.
ADFAS support for conservation
ADFAS is a community of members interested in developing an appreciation of art history and fostering an understanding of contemporary cultural works. Philanthropy is central to the ADFAS ethos. ADFAS has a long-standing commitment to advancing conservation practice.
Find out more about ADFAS and the Patricia Robertson Fund