External Grants and Scholarships

These organisations have supported various conservation activities through their respective grant programs.

Ian Potter Cultural Trust Emerging Artist Grants Program
Emerging Artist Grants Program offers grants of up to $15,000 to assist talented emerging and early-career artists in taking up professional development opportunities, usually overseas. The Trust’s Emerging Artist Grants program funds nationally and supports individual artists practising across the spectrum of the arts, from visual arts to community radio and design to literature. The Trust primarily provides support for structured professional development and networking opportunities such as residencies, internships, mentorships, workshops and conferences.

The Copland Foundation
The Copland Foundation supports individuals and institutions within Australia operating in fields that were important to Alex Copland. These fields include conservation, historic house museums, fine and decorative art museums, science museums and libraries. As well as providing grants for suitable projects within these fields, the Alex Copland Attingham Scholarship and the Nina Stanton Attingham Scholarships enable Australians to travel to the United Kingdom each year and attend courses of study run by The Attingham Trust. More information is available on their website.

The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust
The Churchill Trust is an Australian Trust established in 1965, the year in which Sir Winston Churchill died. The principal object of the Trust is to perpetuate and honour the memory of Sir Winston Churchill by the award of travelling fellowships known as Churchill Fellowships. A Churchill Fellowship is the award of an opportunity through the provision of financial support, to enable Australian citizens from all walks of life to travel overseas to undertake an analysis, study or investigation of a project or an issue that cannot be readily undertaken in Australia.

Fulbright Scholarship Program
The Australian-American Fulbright Commission promotes and supports educational and cultural exchange between Australia and America.

International Specialised Skills Institute
Since 1989 International Specialised Skills Institute (ISS Institute), an independent, national organisation, has identified skill deficiencies through market research, then filled them through its Overseas Skill Acquisition Plan (Fellowship Program) and consultancy services. The ISS Institute provides opportunities for Australian industry and commerce, learning institutions and public authorities to gain skills and experience in traditional and leading edge technology, design, innovation and management.

The National Library Community Heritage Grants
The Community Heritage Grants (CHG) Program aims to preserve and provide access to locally held nationally significant cultural heritage collections across Australia. The program provides grant funding of up to $10,000 for preservation projects, and preservation and collection management training through community based workshops. Community organisations such as historical societies, museums, public libraries, archives, Indigenous and migrant community groups which collect and provide public access to their cultural heritage collections are eligible to apply.

The Bank of America Art Conservation Project
The Bank of America Art Conservation Project is a unique program that provides grants to nonprofit museums throughout the world to conserve historically or culturally significant works of art that are in danger of degeneration, including works that have been designated as national treasures. Since 2010, Bank of America has provided grants to museums in 27 countries for 72 conservation projects through the global Art Conservation Project. Recently they supported the conservation of The Flood in the Darling, by WC Piguenit, in the collection of AGNSW.