National NAIDOC logo provided by NAIDOC (CC BY-NC-N4 4.0).
2024 NAIDOC Week

National NAIDOC logo provided by NAIDOC (CC BY-NC-N4 4.0).

The AICCM Reconciliation Committee is pleased to have had the opportunity to lead the development of the AICCMs first Reconciliation Action Plan.

This process allowed us to celebrate the work of those who have come before us, but more importantly it opened space for us to think about where we wanted to be as a profession. Through this RAP we hope to establish some small, practical steps that help us to continue to grow as an organisation and into a profession that is respectful, ethical, engaged, future-thinking and innovative, and develop meaningful approaches that support access to collections for truth telling and collaboration. 

We want to acknowledge the hard work of First Nations Elders who have kept culture alive and support them in preserving and passing down language, culture, material, and story. This document reflects our commitment to reconciliation and aligns with our Vision, Mission, Values and Code of Ethics and Practice. 

Download the AICCM Reconciliation Action Plan

Reconciliation Statement

In October 2000, AICCM publicly declared its commitment to Reconciliation in the following statement.

‘We the members of AICCM acknowledge and value the unique status of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the original owners and custodians of this land and its waters.

As conservators we especially recognise and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples ownership of and right to self-determination concerning the preservation and representation of their material culture. We agree that the objects and the information relevant to them are of equal importance, and that conservation practice must adapt to cultural requirements.

We join with many Australians in expressing our sorrow and sincere regret for the wrongs and injustices of the past, for their continuing consequences and resultant disadvantage. We are sorry for the pain and suffering Indigenous Australians endure as a result of these practices.

We look forward to a future together that recognises these wrongs, a future where all Australians enjoy equal rights, with the opportunity to achieve our full potential.

AICCM Reconciliation Committee Members

Samantha Hamilton (Chairperson)
Genevieve Sullivan
Nicholas Flood
Sophie Lewincamp
Anne Carter
Heather Bleechmore
Eleanor Vallior
Briony Pemberton
Natasha Trenear
Sabine Cotte
Ren Gregoric

The Reconciliation Committee would also like to acknowledge the work undertaken by previous members of the Committee to develop this RAP, particularly Agata Rostek-Robak (previous chairperson) and Grace Barrand (previous committee member and previous AICCM Vice President).

About the design

The Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Materials Reconciliation Action Plan bespoke design by ingeous studios tells the story about the work of the Institute in improving the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities through inclusion, knowledge sharing and understanding throughout it’s work across cultural conservation.

About the design studio

The Australian Institute for the Conservation Reconciliation Action Plan bespoke design and collateral elements were designed by Indigenous design and digital agency ingeous studios in Cairns. Creative Director and founder of ingeous studios, Leigh Harris is a proud Kangoulu and Gungarri man who is also proud of Italian and Welsh heritage, draws upon his Aboriginal cultural heritage and knowledge to influence his design works across all of his design works.