To start, it’s easiest to navigate to the post you want to edit. Make sure you are logged in.
Once you’ve logged in and on the wiki post you want to edit you should see an option to ‘Edit’ across the top.

That will take you to the backend. It will look like a standard online editing platform.
Here you can make changes and edits.

Make your changes and click on ‘preview changes’ to see if it looks how you want.
Once you’re happy click on ‘update’.

Some posts are a little more complex. And will look like this:

These posts are made up of Containers, Columns and Elements.

For now we’ll just focus on working with elements. They’re the basic level of the post and are where all the content goes.
All you need to do to make changes is to mouse over the block of text. It should change to look like this:

Clicking on the pen icon lets you edit that element. Which will look like a regular WordPress editor

Once you are happy with your content, click on ‘preview changes’ to see what it looks like, then, once you are happy, click ‘update’