Isolation and the silver linings – How do we prevent isolation becoming the 11th risk.
Through the isolated filter we see the faults in the profession and we have challenged five experts from our profession to create a new environment for the conservator of the future.
We have determined three key elements within the overarching theme of isolation, – Collaboration, Education and Sustainability. These themes intersect, overlap and influence each other. How do we approach these themes with hope, positivity and clear direction for the conservator of the future?
The format of the evening will be a panel discussion engaging the speakers and audience to dissect and debate the themes and create opportunities for our profession.
MaryJo Lelyveld – Coordinating Conservator at the National Gallery Victoria
Mary-Jo coordinates a team of 25 conservators and technicians across six sections, to deliver the NGV exhibition, collection care and outreach programs. She served as President of the Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Materials (AICCM) (2013-2017) and is now chair of the AICCM Sustainable Collections Committee (2017-present). She holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in the Conservation of Cultural Materials (Paintings) from the University of Canberra (2002) and a Master of Strategic Foresight from Swinburne University (2012).
Becky Fifield – Head of Collection Management New York Public Library.
Becky Fifield joined The New York Public Library in 2016 as Head of Collection Management. Ms. Fifield has over 30 years experience working with art and history collections, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. She is former Chair of AIC’s Collection Care Network and Chair of Alliance for Response, NYC, and currently serves on the Technical Committee of National Fire Protection Association’s Code 909, Code for the Protection of Cultural Resource Properties – Museums, Libraries, and Places of Worship. She holds an M.A. in Museum Studies from The George Washington University and is a Fellow of the American Institute of Conservation.
Jane Henderson, Professor in Conservation at Cardiff University
Jane Henderson, BSc, MSc, PACR, FIIC, is a Professor of Conservation and the Secretary General International Institute for Conservation. Jane serves on the editorial panel of the Journal of the Institute for Conservation, is a co-opted member on the trustee board of the Welsh Federation of Museum and Art Galleries and is a visiting Researcher of the Scientific Conservation Institute in Beijing. Jane serves on the European standards body CEN TC 346 WG11 and on the BSI standard group B/560 concerned with the conservation of Tangible Cultural heritage.
Dr. Athanasios Velios is a Reader in Documentation in Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon and Ligatus at the University of the Arts London. He is a keen supporter of open source software and open distribution of knowledge.
Dr Velios’ research focuses on documenting practice with a particular interest in conservation and archiving. He currently leads an international consortium on conservation documentation: Linked Conservation Data. Linked Data technologies allow the publication of records/data in such a way that they can be linked to other resources and enable re-use and discovery (Ligatus, UAL 2021)
Julian Bickersteth -CEO International Conservation Services
Julian Bickersteth is the current President of IIC, and the CEO of International Conservation Services, based in Sydney. After taking a degree in Theology at Oxford, Julian trained as a furniture conservator and worked at the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney. He established ICS in the late 1980s and has worked in many parts of the world on conservation projects from Dubai to Antarctica. He is particularly focused on sustainability issues, and recently launched the joint IIC, ICOM-CC, ICCROM commitment for climate action.
Thank you to our session sponsor Museum Study