
Indigenous cultural heritage

The conservation of Indigenous cultural material is a field that recognises the importance of cross-cultural communication. Through acknowledging and incorporating the Indigenous owners of cultural material in the preservation of their heritage, conservators, museums and researchers can establish processes of display and care in meaningful ways. Video: Artists Steaphan Paton and Cam

Indigenous cultural heritage2021-01-18T17:57:04+11:00

Bark paintings

Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples have traditionally painted on bark. ANKAAA Harvesting Traditional Knowledge – a two-way learning project - Yirrkala from The Mulka Project on Vimeo. Bark for Indigenous Australian bark painting is cut from the trunk of the stringybark tree (Eucalyptus tetradonta) during the wet season. At this time the

Bark paintings2022-11-08T17:42:17+11:00
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