

The Variable Media* and Digital Heritage Special Interest Group (Electron) represents a diverse community of conservators, preservation specialists and cultural professionals dedicated to the care of cultural materials which are variable, intangible and technologically dependent. Members of Electron work within a range of cultural institutions and organisations, including art galleries, archives, libraries and museums,


Audiovisual and digital

Audiovisual conservation encompasses media recorded on motion picture film, magnetic media, audio recording technologies and video. During the 20th and 21st centuries artists began to experiment with film and sound in their art practice, as many contemporary artists do today. As a result, conservators work to preserve this material along with the large collections

Audiovisual and digital2022-09-25T15:18:59+10:00


Our Photon Special Interest Group are members who work with photographic media, including photographic and digital prints, film and negatives. Members' interests include the history of photography, photographic preservation, conservation treatment, the display of photographic materials and conservation research. Email the Photon convener

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