AICCM National Conference 2013

Blaschkas, Shifting Context, Shifting Value

Paper Author:

Megan Dean-Jones



Conservation in Progress – conservation treatments on public display

Paper Author:

Kasi Albert & Nicholas Flood


PosterConservation is usually something that happens behind closed doors, well away from the public eye. However, there are a growing number of examples of conservation treatments and activities undertaken on objects while on public display. When a large, well-loved sculpture at the Art Gallery of South Australia (AGSA) was in need of some care and

Behind, Over and Under the Scenes – the conservation of the First World War dioramas

Paper Author:

Alana Treasure, Nicholas Flood, Jocelyn Evans, Kasi Albert, Helen Gill and Janet Hearne


Poster As part of the Australian War Memorial’s commemorations for the First World War (FWW) centenary, the much-loved diorama battle scenes are receiving detailed attention from a team of dedicated conservators. The first time such extensive conservation has been conducted since their original creation in the 1920s and 30s, the diorama conservation project sits within

“The Wrap on Mummies” Using the story of Tutankhamen to Introduce Conservation and Science to Children

Paper Author:

Kristin Phillips and Justin Gare


Contributions to the AICCM National Conference 2013, Adelaide 23-25 October Abstract Artlab Australia has developed an innovative program for school groups linked to the Australian Curriculum for History and Science with the objective of introducing children aged 10-14 to conservation and science concepts in a fun and engaging manner. The story of ancient Egyptian mummies,

Profiling Hazardous Substances in the Museum Victoria State Collection

Paper Author:

Rosemary A. Goodall, Davina Hacklin, Nancy Ladas and Maryanne McCubbin


Contributions to the AICCM National Conference 2013, Adelaide 23-25 October Abstract The presence of hazardous substances in museum collections is a well-known problem and historically many inorganic materials such as arsenic, mercury and lead, were incorporated into collections as pest prevention systems. Methyl bromide fumigation was commonly used in the late twentieth century, leaving inorganic

Burning down the house

Paper Author:

Ian Batterham


Contributions to the AICCM National Conference 2013, Adelaide 23-25 October Abstract On 7 August 2012 the National Archives of Australia held a fire exercise in association with ACT Emergency Services Agency (ESA). The purpose of the exercise was to examine questions relating to the fire protection provided by of storage materials and furniture. A range

Fields Of Colour: The Conservation Of Matt, Synthetic Paintings By Michael Johnson

Paper Author:

Céline de Courlon, Simon Ives and Paula Dredge


Contributions to the AICCM National Conference 2013, Adelaide 23-25 October Abstract Three paintings by Michael Johnson, Frontal 2 1968, Night 1968, and Matthew’s cavern 1974, are representative of the artist’s work in acrylic and vinyl emulsion paints during the late 1960s to early 1970s. They incorporate broad colour areas of highly pigmented paint with matt

Conservation community consultation during the Bunjilaka Redevelopment Project at Melbourne Museum

Paper Author:

Samantha Hamilton


Contributions to the AICCM National Conference 2013, Adelaide 23-25 October Abstract The development of the First Peoples exhibition within the Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre at Melbourne Museum, a venue of Museum Victoria (MV), provided the opportunity to consult and collaborate with Victorian Aboriginal Community members. This paper will provide an overview of four collaborations; work

Current Research into Mould Remediation from Historic Houses and Heritage Collections

Paper Author:

Tess Evans


Contributions to the AICCM National Conference 2013, Adelaide 23-25 October Abstract Fungi play a considerable role in the deterioration of cultural material. Climate change predictions suggest that the future of the environment will exhibit a range of new conditions from increasing temperatures and relative humidity (RH) to rising sea levels. Resultant changes to indoor environments

“Table Talk”: The Development of Modified Work Systems to Reduce the Risk of Work- Related Musculoskeletal Disorders from Conservation Treatment

Paper Author:

Kristin Phillips, Justin Gare and Jo Bills


Contributions to the AICCM National Conference 2013, Adelaide 23-25 October Abstract Conservation treatments often involve the use of awkward static postures and intensive periods of fine detail work, which can lead to injury. Conservators at Artlab Australia, in conjunction with an Occupational Health Physiotherapist / Ergonomist, have systematically considered a range of injury risk factors,
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