4th Book, Paper & Photographs Symposium, 2006

The 4th Book & Paper and Photon Symposium was held in Wellington, New Zealand in 2006. Abstracts of presentations are available below. Please note that the proceedings from this conference are not yet published; they will be available from our Bookshop as a CD-ROM. 

Insights & Intuition: 10th Paintings SIG Symposium 2006

Insights and Intuition: Abstracts of contributions to the 10th AICCM Paintings Group Symposium, 4-5 May 2006, BrisbaneEdited by Gillian Osmond Please note, only abstracts of these papers are available - these can be accessed below; alternatively, download the abstract booklet [Adobe Acrobat PDF - 268.6 KB]. For more information about particular papers, please contact the…

3rd Book, Paper and Photographs Symposium, 2004

Collaboration and Connections, 2004 Editor: Rose Peel AICCM Paper, Books and Photographic Special Interest Group Symposium, Sydney 1-3 April 2004, Art Gallery of NSW. Papers are not peer-reviewed. Download papers online or order a  copy from our Bookstore.   Foreword The third symposium held at the Art Gallery of New South Wales from 1 -…