2006 Textiles Symposium, Adelaide

The 2006 Textiles Special Interest Group Symposium was held in Adelaide on September 18-19.
The Organising Committee consisted of Kristin Phillips, Bee Flynn and Charlotte Jenkin.
Preprints editors included Bee Flynn, Helen Weidenhofer, Kristin Phillips, Wendy Dodd and Louise Stack.
Presentation abstracts are available below.
Please note the full text is not available for the following papers:
Treatment Highlights from the last two years at the Australian War Memorial – Bridie Kirkpatrick
Preparing for Crescent Moon: treatments from the Textile lab – Stefanie Woodruff
Out of the bag: The conservation of Captain Charles Bean’s suitcase – Bridie Kirkpatrick
A Foreign Perspective. Textile Conservation at the Winterthur and
University of Delaware Program of Art Conservation in the United States – Christina Ritschel
Please contact individual authors for more information.

Two costumes featured in the new decorative and design gallery at the Powerhouse Museum: The conservation of Mary Piper's ball gown and the re- production of a lost button for a Victorian mourning gown

Paper Author:

Suzanne Chee


Abstract This paper discusses the problems and solutions in conserving two significant costumes featured in a new permanent gallery dedicated to the decorative arts at the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney. INSPIRED deign across time exhibition draws upon the museum’s collection of Australian and International decorative arts and design. Over 800 objects are on display, 40 costumes

AICCM Textiles SIG Symposium 2006 Contents

Paper Author:

Kristin Phillips



AICCM Textiles SIG Symposium 2006 Cover

Paper Author:

Kristin Phillips



Experimental Work Comparing the Performance of Wash Bath Additives used in the Aqueous Immersion Cleaning of a Series of Standard Soiled Fabrics

Paper Author:

Jane Wild


Abstract In aqueous cleaning unwanted soil is removed from a textile substrate. For aqueous clean- ing to be effective, the removed soil must be held in suspension and prevented from rede- positing on the textile’s cleaned surface. This paper reviews literature pertaining to the ability of wash bath additives to remove soil and prevent soil

The Treatment of Bullion Fringe Valances with Composite Silk-wrapped Wooden Drops for Rouse Hill Estate

Paper Author:

Miriam Wormleaton


Abstract This paper looks at the treatment applied to preserve a set of late 19th century bullion fringe valances, augmented with drops composed of silk floss-bound strung wooden finials. It also looks at the collaboration and decision making process behind it. The three valances hang at the Historic Houses Trust of NSW (HHT) Rouse Hill

Customising Collection Storage for Research Access

Paper Author:

Fiona Tennant


Abstract In 2005 the Historic Houses Trust moved their extensive research collection of soft furnishings to a new custom designed Research Centre and a separate store room. The collection is a popular research resource not only for Trust staff, but the public as well. The relocation project gave the Trust the opportunity to radically revisit

A Preliminary Investigation into a Stumpwork Panel dated c1650

Paper Author:

Kate Douglas


Abstract A 17th century stumpwork panel in the National Gallery of Victoria’s (NGV) collection is currently being prepared for display. This paper briefly describes the history of stumpwork embroidery in England and gives a description of the NGV’s stumpwork panel, including the frame and backing board, in which it is housed. Analysis of the panel

Using your Noodle: Use of foam tubes and rods for the storage and display of textiles

Paper Author:

Kristin Phillips


Abstract The successful rolling of textiles, particularly curtains which are often lined and occasionally gathered, is never easy and the linings are easily creased. This difficulty led to the development of a flat roller system that allows a textile to be rolled much more successfully. Foam rods are used in the construction of the flat

Rectifying Home Remedies

Paper Author:

Victoria Gill


Abstract The history of caring for material culture is as old as material culture itself. Many care instructions are passed on with the objects and sometimes they are not. When they are passed on by word of mouth, instructions often mutate through the same process as Chinese whispers. Alternatively, care practices can evolve with strange

Partial treatment of an 1880s Australian Wedding Gown using a vapour activated adhesive lining technique

Paper Author:

Skye Firth


Abstract An internship for Masters of Arts (Cultural Materials Conservation) in the textiles conservation laboratory at the National Gallery of Victoria involved the treatment of an 1880s Australian wed- ding gown. The gown is an ecru coloured wool basque with a matching long-lined skirt with a short train, bordered with lace. Ecru Liberty silk forms
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