Newsletter Issue Number:
AICCM National Newsletter No 144 December 2018

Next year the AICCM is hosting four important events. First off the rank is the AICCM Textiles SIG Symposium, “Fibre to Fabric, Fur, Feather and Finishes” 4th to the 6th February 2019. The three-day symposium is being held at the Sydney Jewish Museum and Dinah Eastop from the Institute of Archaeology, UCL will be presenting the keynote speech along with two papers and workshops. For further information and to register online please go to our events page here.  

The next event to be held is the three-day Managing Risks to Collections Conference that is being held in Melbourne from the 18th – 20th of February. The theme of the conference is risk and collections and will explore recent advances in the monitoring and mitigation of risks as well as the application of risk management tools to prioritise collection care. For further information and to register online please go to our events page here.

The last event for the financial year is FRAME: Concept, History and Conservation: Symposium 2. The Symposium is being held on 3rd to 5th of April at the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney and will encompass the broad concepts associated with the conservation of picture frames and gilded surfaces as well as the history of frames.  For further information and to register online please go to our events page here.

Finally, planning is underway for the AICCM 2019 National conference that will be held Melbourne in November 2019. We can confirm the dates will be 13 – 15 November and it’s likely to be held at the Arts Centre Melbourne. We will keep you posted about developments on our events here:

The 13th Infrared Users Group Conference will be over by the time you read this newsletter, hosted by AGNSW, organised by Paula Dredge assisted by the conservation team.

Based on the research being undertaken in the area of time-based art, the AGNSW will be holding a four-day workshop on time-based art in 2019 that will focus on the collection management and preservation of artworks with durational elements and of audio-visual archival material. We aim to hold the workshop at the AGNSW in late May/early June 2019 with the program to include representatives from AGNSW departments and other local institutions, Australian artists and an international keynote speaker. The workshop will be offered to ten institutions/organisations, whereby two participants from different departments are invited to attend. At least one representative must be working, or will be working, with a time-based art collection. Curatorial participation is highly encouraged.  We will be advertising for applications in the coming weeks.  Please direct all queries to Carolyn Murphy, Head of Conservation AGNSW, or Asti Sherring, Time-based art conservator

AICCM National Newsletter 2019 due dates:

  • Friday 15th February 2019 (for the March 2019 issue)
  • Friday 17th May 2019 (For the June 2019 issue)
  • Friday 16th August 2019 (for the September 2019 issue)
  • Friday 9th November 2019 (for the December 2019 issue)