Newsletter Issue Number:
AICCM National Newsletter No 139 September 2017
Louise Bradley, Conservation Framers SIG Convenor

Louise Bradley and Barbara Dabrowa, GOCSIG convenor, are working on early plans for  AICCM – FRAME: Concept, History and Conservation, Sydney 2019. We will set the date for the symposium, (possibly late October 2019), very soon.

The AICCM stand at Art and Frame 2017

Frank Filippone, editor of Profile Magazine, again offered a trade fair stand to AICCM at Art and Frame 2017 in exchange for lectures and a workshop. This year Adam Godijn, Eliza Penrose and Katherine Rosenthal presented talks on identification of conservation issues.

Adam Godijn talks on the work carried out by conservators

Eliza Penrose presented a talk on paper conservation and included fabulous GoPro videos on complex treatments including this backing removal

Katherine Rosenthal presents Identification of issues in Conservation: Paintings to framers at Art and Frame 2017

June Anderson gave a very comprehensive presentation on conservation framing and Jochen Letsch presented a detailed lecture on hinging with starch paste and Japanese tissue. Louise Bradley and Sophie Brown presented a shortened version of Nick Zihrul’s workshop, Reproducing Historic Decorative Mounts, focusing on paper wrapped mounts, line-work and wash panels.

Some of the decorated mounts that were made by attendees at the workshop

Thanks too to Kasi Albert and Wendi Powell who kindly assisted with the Sunday afternoon “Bring an Object” session. Unfortunately/fortunately no one brought an object to us but that was probably better for any delicate artwork. Many thanks also to David Stein & Co and International Conservation Services for handouts and posters displayed at the stand.

Holly McGowan-Jackson discusses Hubert Baija’s important book Prijst de Lijst

In late August Holly McGowan-Jackson presented “Framing the Netherlands” as part of the member’s program at NGV International. Guests at the fully booked lecture learned about the careful decision making process followed when paintings are reframed at NGV. Holly showed before and after images of the paintings in the frames and had samples of the reproduction period frames for visitors to look at and touch.