The 2019 AICCM Textile Special Interest Group Symposium: Fibre to Fabric, Fur, Feather and Finishes will be held on 4-6th February 2019 in Sydney with keynote speaker Dinah Eastop, an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Archaeology, UCL. We are seeking speakers and contributors to present alongside Dina.
Submissions on any textile related topics are welcome. Some general topics may include:
- Conservation research
- Treatment developments
- Interesting case studies
- Mounting and display
We are welcoming abstracts for papers, lightning talks and posters. Paper presentations should be 20 minutes in length with written papers of approximately 2500 – 3000 words for publishing. Lightning talks should be approximately 5 minutes in length with an abstract for publishing. Posters should be in a hard copy format with an abstract for publishing. Other types of submission may also be incorporated into the symposium, please contact the organisers with any further questions or suggestions.
For your submission, please email your 300-word abstract to by close of business 31st August 2018. Any submissions should also include a brief biography of the author (50 words or less) and the names of all co-authors and affiliations.
Please note that we intend to provide all attendees with a hard copy booklet containing the program and abstracts, plus access to a Dropbox folder containing contributors’ papers, presentation slides, posters etc. We also encourage authors to submit formally written versions of papers to the AICCM Bulletin.