The Book & Paper SIG was delighted to have held its first webinar event on 26 November. The event provided a behind-the-scenes look at Sydney Analytical, the University of Sydney’s core research facility dedicated to the analysis of chemical and biological materials.
Sydney Analytical provides state-of-the-art instruments and technical expertise to support public and private researchers as they address their most challenging research priorities. Dr Elizabeth Carter (Facility Manger, Vibrational Spectroscopy) and Therese Harrison (Professional Officer, Museums Analyses) presented at the webinar, outlining what this unique facility has to offer to conservators across a range of disciplines.
If you missed the event do not worry as it was recorded and will be available for viewing shortly on the AICCM webpage. For students, conservators or interested parties looking to find out more about the Sydney Analytical facility, you can check out their website: or contact Elizabeth or Therese directly.
In exciting news, the Book & Paper SIG has some great events planned for 2021 including a webinar with the legendary Debra Hess Norris – University of Delaware. Debra will present on her area of expertise – the conservation of photographic material. Keep an eye out on the AICCM website and SIG Facebook pages for details to come. Finally, the Book & Paper SIG wants to remind members of the important role YOU play in making the group a success. We encourage you to share and participate on the Book & Paper Facebook page, as the content is only as good as the contributions you make. If you have come across any tools, new techniques, research papers or anything else you think people may be interested in hearing about PLEASE SHARE – that is what the page is for. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, and we look forward to great things in 2021.