Vic Division have had a busy last few months, culminating in the AGM which was held before the annual Vic Division Winter Movie Night at the Kathleen Syme Centre on 15th August. Congratulations to the returning committee: Elizabeth McCartney (President), Charlotte Walker (Secretary), Helen Gill (Treasurer), Lauren Keating (Ordinary Member), Albertine Hamilton (Ordinary Member), Noni Zachri (Ordinary Member), Alexis Townshend (Ordinary Member), Mar Cruz (Ordinary Member) and Lisa Mansfield (Ordinary Member and Student Representative). In particular, the committee would like to thank Laura Gransbury, who after sitting on the committee as the SC@M rep and then an ordinary member, stepped down this year.
The AGM was preceded by a panel event in June on ‘Sustainability in Collections Care’, held at the Grimwade Centre with speakers Joel Taylor, Amanda Pagliarino, Julian Bickersteth and MaryJo Lelyveld. Our thanks to the GCCMC, Nicole Tse and MaryJo Lelyveld for all their support and assistance with this event. It was very exciting to be able to hear these speakers discuss this often challenging, but very important, topic. July saw our annual lab tour, and this year we were treated to a tour of the NGV labs, hosted by MaryJo Lelyveld. It was a fascinating look behind the scenes and we would like to thank all the NGV conservators who took time out of their day to talk to us about their work and show us their labs, it was very much appreciated. Vic Division was also very pleased to be able to support the May SC@M member event ‘Careers in Conservation’, where AICCM Vic members Cath Nunn, Jess McElhinney, Charlotte Walker discussed their careers pathways with students. Thank you again to all our speakers who make our events possible!