Newsletter Issue Number:
AICCM National Newsletter No. 71 June 1999
  • Fitzpatrick, Frances. Report from the Fiji Museum.
  • Jon Carpenter. The Galle Harbour Project, Sri Lanka, March-April ’99.
  • Pagliarino, Amanda. Plain Plastics.
  • People & Places
  • Roberts, Sheridan. Review: AICCM Paintings Group Symposium 1999.
  • Roth, Vanessa. Review: Nasholz-Konservieriung III Conservation of Waterlogged Wood _ Stade, Germany.
  • Slade, Sarah. Lab Profile: Conservation Section, Australian National Maritime Museum
  • Various. Opinion: Making Specialised Conservation Information Available the Public. Responses by Ulrike Broeze Hoernemann, Wendy Dodd, Vicki Humphrey, Robyn Sloggett.