Our AGM was held way back on 17 October. At the meeting the following Committee was elected:
Secretary: Hakim Rahim (UC)
Treasurer: Natalie Ison (NMA)
Student representatives: Emma Anderson, Maddy Fern & Rebecca Negri
Ordinary members: Eileen Proctor (AIATSIS), Freya Merrell (NLA), Nick Zihrul (NMA), Jennifer Bryan (NMA)
Currently, Hakim has stepped down temporarily from his Secretary role, which is being filled by Freya Merrell.
Since the AGM we have had our famous Christmas party with Trivia Quiz, on 5 December at the Polish Club. The theme this time was Space with one round covering themes from Space-related TV shows (who remembers UFO from the ’70s?), Prize for the winning team was custody of the much-travelled Conservator Ken. This year that honour went to the NFSA.
Regular low-key drinks evenings for students and conservators are held at the Old Canberra Inn and branded with the name CREED (Conservators Responsibly Enjoying Evening Drinks).
On the weekend of 1–2 Feb., we had arranged a ceramics conservation workshop (thanks Jen Bryan!) run by Penny Byrne. Unfortunately, at the last minute, we had to cancel as the airport was closed due to the heavy smoke over the city. We hope to reschedule shortly.
Coming up we are organising a Conservation Clinic at the Hall Schoolhouse Museum as part of Heritage Week. We will be emphasising the issue of fire damage in the promotional material. We are also planning an information event for students and recent graduates about the current situation in the profession and work opportunities.
We paid student fees for two students to attend the AICCM National Conference in November. This was done through a competitive process whereby students provided a short justification for their attendance.