Contributions to the 7th AICCM Book, Paper and Photographic Materials Symposium 29g31 August 2012 Brisbane, Australia
When considering the preservation issues surrounding the digital medium, the technology employed to create the data ultimately provides access to the virtually stored information.When the hardware and software associated with the data has been compromised, the information may be permanently lost.This poster describes the issues pertaining to the preservation of works that incorporate digital technologies. The physical deterioration of technologies through mechanical breakdown and the obsolescence of parts or whole technologies used will be presented as a current preservation concern.The long-term issue of the impermanence of data will be outlined in regards to the possibility of duplication and the migration of the data.An awareness of the reliance on the innovations of commercial manufacturers and the risk of epistemic failure to guard against the possibilities of data corruption, electrostatic discharge damage and computer threats / malware will also be represented.