AICCM Symposium 2006, Conservation of Paper, Books and Photographic Materials. Post-prints and Posters. 19-21 April 2006, Wellington, New Zealand. p246-253


The Australian War Memorial (AWM) has a large collection of posters from a range of periods dating from the Boer War (1899g1902) to recent conflicts in the Middle East. For exhibitions in the past the posters were usually matted and framed as works of art on paper. However, for an exhibition of 78 posters from Britain, France and Germany at the AWM in 1992 the curator wanted to have the posters displayed as posters, i.e. as they were meant to be on a wall or a noticeboard, rather than matted and framed as artwork. This paper describes the alternative method for the mounting and framing of posters proposed by conservators and accepted by art curators at the AWM. Since the early 1990s this has been the method adopted at the AWM for the conservation preparation of posters for exhibitions.

4th Book, Paper & Photographs Symposium, 2006
Paper author:
Gajendra Rawat, Dara Rome