Contributions to the 5th AICCM Book, Paper and Photographic Materials Symposium. Editors: Prue McKay and Alana Treasure. Canberra, ACT: AICCM (Inc.), 2008.


In 1980, a project involving the testing of physical and chemical properties of six papers before and after artificial ageing was conducted as the major research project undertaken by Ian Batterham, Bill Hamilton and Maurice Weightman for the Canberra College of Advanced Education (CCAE) Materials Conservation course. It was decided at the time that a very useful extension of this project would be to compare artificial ageing results with those obtained after a period of natural ageing in order to provide some useful data on previous estimates of equivalencies between artificial and natural ageing. Comparative testing for folding endurance and pH of paper samples naturally aged for 27 years has now been carried out and compared with the testing results of the same paper samples from 1980.

5th Book, Paper & Photograph Symposium, 2008
Paper author:
Batterham, Ian; Rai, Rajani